Picture of Stephen Jackson
  • Pronouns: He/Him
  • Talk Length: 15 mins

Senior By Default

In June 2020 the team manager and tech lead both announced they were leaving the company, making me the most senior developer there. Overnight I went from a simple developer to leading a multi-disciplined team responsible for mission-critical business systems.

In this presentation, I will talk about my first year in charge, my triumphs, and my mistakes. I will talk about the processes I implemented to keep myself sane and ensure the team I now lead continued to drive our software forward and serve business objectives. Along the way, I hope to impart some key lessons that I learned that may help anyone who is looking to move up to a senior position.

This is a talk for those looking to take on management or tech lead responsibilities and for any tech professionals who through no fault of their own have found themselves in a leadership position.

About Stephen

Applications Team Lead

Having come late to the software development game, Stephen has worked in a variety of software development roles in the utility and retail sectors. He now works in a team lead role for a well know Nottingham Fashion retailer working with various technologies but primarily uses the Microsoft tech stack of Dot Net and SQL Server.

When not developing software Stephen enjoys going for walks with his 2 dogs Holly and Daisy and also more geeky pursuits such as miniature and board gaming. He thinks the worse day of the week is and has always has been Tuesday and will gladly provide his reasons why this is so to anyone who asks.

Video from 2021
