Picture of Jessica Salisbury
  • Pronouns: She/Her
  • Talk Length: 60 minute

The Power of the Feedback Loop

From how the body knows when to stop growing to saving lives from speeding cars, the feedback loop is a mechanism that secretly underlies every corner of our existence. The concept spans schools of thought in psychology, economics, biology and neuroscience and is now emerging in the intersection of technology and behavioural science.

As technologists we are always looking to build products that are engaging and effective, and as people we strive to reach our full personal and working potential. Could the feedback loop be the piece we're all missing?

In this talk we'll dive into the structure of the feedback loop, some impressive examples of how powerful they can be and we'll explore how you can harness their power in your work and personal life.

About Jessica

Behavioural Psychologist and Money Coaching Project Manager at Tully.

Jess is a Behavioural Psychologist and the Project Manager of Money Coaching at Tully, a business created to help people who are worried about money. Jess leads on Tully’s Money Coaching product which uses Open Banking data to engage consumers in positive financial decision making to improve their financial wellbeing. From helping those in debt manage their money to providing early intervention for those displaying detrimental patterns of behaviour, Jess is using her academic background in psychology to create highly personalised, data led Money Coaching that drives long term, financial behavioural change for Tully customers.

Video from 2019
