Picture of Cara Holland
  • Pronouns: She/Her
  • Talk Length: 60 minute

Draw UX (or how to get your visual thinking groove on)

Working visually is a super power. It increases your ability to understand and share complex information, think creatively and collaborate effectively. But for lots of adults drawing at work is a huge step outside of their comfort zone.

I'm a business visualiser who draws, writes and trains.

In this session I will show you how to use visual skills throughout the UX journey, transforming your engagement and problem solving skills, and how you already have the functional drawing ability you need, even if you can barely draw a stick. Honest.

By the end of this session you will understand WHY working visually is so effective, but more importantly you'll get to see HOW it works by trying out visual exericises yourself.

About Cara

Founder and head doodler at Graphic Change

Founder, trainer and author of best selling book Draw a Better Business, Cara Holland has been working visually with companies as varied as Google and the NHS for the last 13 years. She also co-runs the Graphic Change Academy which has trained people in over 69 countries how to start drawing at work.

Video from 2019
