Picture of Anthony Dang
  • Pronouns: He/Him
  • Talk Length: 60 minute

Cache me outside - Caching Methodologies and Architectures

Caching can be your best-friend or your worst best-friend. A poor cache implementation can mean the difference between experiencing blazing fast performance or unexplained random slowness, or both! It can even result in random stale (out of date) content which you can’t explain.

In this presentation we will demo and compare different caching methodologies, and their perceived real world uses. We will discuss Donut cache, Memory cache, Redis, Varnish, CDNs, and many more. We will dive into demos of real world implementations which can cause unpredictable problems. Some of these are horrible, and some are face-palm.

At the end of this presentation you will be aware of the different trade-offs with each caching methodology, and which might best for your situation.

About Anthony

Head of Development

Anthony is the Technical Director at Radley Yeldar (London, UK). He writes tech articles, and is a regular presenter at conferences and meetups. He loves automation and development processes, experienced in scaling high performing teams across multiple countries, a Scrum certified Agile enthusiast, and a vocal proponent of Behaviour Driven Development. Originally from Sydney, Australia, he is now based in London.

Video from 2019
